White Out - A Sexy Swingers Affair
White Out
January 24-26, 2025

It was our first adult lifestyle (swingers / ethical non monogamy) party of the year and I was super pumped! Finally, I was finally back to being me and I couldn't wait to get back on the road. Especially after missing New Years Eve due to the dang flu.
Lets talk about the outfit ...
I have officially decided that I am buying a new outfit for each swingers event. My personality changes so

much when it comes to what I wear, I don't want to force myself into wearing something I already have. If I am being really truthful with you, this was a bigger issue of me being ridiculously frugal, thinking all my money has to go into a sunshine fund for the just in case moment. After lots of conversations with my therapist, I have finally gotten to the point of spending some money on the things I enjoy. These outfits, the accessories and the overall idea of the night coming to life through it all is really starting to excite me again. And it all started with White out. I absolutely loved my choice! I even went as far as mapping out all my outfits for travel and setup to be thematic, however, it didn't work out as I planned. I intend on getting better at this going forward. A little sneak peak... I already I have my St. Patrick's Day outfits and Candyland. I just have to try it all on to see if it actually works. I also have travel clothes set aside. Everything fits within theme in such a fun sexy way. You're probably thinking that this is over the top, but content is content and I need marketing materials as well fun material. So its a multipurpose setup. The agenda book I spoke about in my 75 Day Challenge - Day 6 blog, has really helped me organized my thoughts on all the things I want & need on our travel weekends. I already feel way more prepared.
We were in the car ready to go by 4:20pm. I am so impressed that Spencer was ready on time, and even early! Since we were in the car sooner than we needed be by about 10 minutes, we were able to stop at the candy shop. This chocolate store makes the most delicious dark chocolate covered vanilla marshmallow. The whole reason I needed to start the 75 day challenge. LMAO. I'm just kidding. But, they are so good. You get 8 in a package. Each piece is probably an inch wide. I scarf those bad boys down within seconds. I can't help it. They are definitely my most favorite home made type of treat ever.
We made it to the ferry on time, with no issues. Easy sailing all the way across. We didn't have any evening plans, so we went right to the hotel to settle in. This go around we had the furbabies with us, so we wanted to get them into a warm space to snuggle up in. It was freaking freezing this particular weekend and my pug gets pretty chilly.
Team unite! It was about 10:30am when the usual suspects met at the club to start setup. I think we were all really missing each other, because we did alot of hanging and catching up instead of setting up. I am not sure what the heck we were doing, but we had no pep in the step. Finally around 12pm someone was like... uhhhh... don't you think we should really start moving. LMAO. Oopsies. You know what... we were having fun and that's what really counts. It can't all be just work. After all was said and done, we created a beautiful space for our party goers. So if you are looking for a swingers party near you in the North East, we are your go to! We really go above and beyond with the ambiance. It is an experience to party with the Mindbender family.
At a certain point, we all starting going our separate ways, leaving Spencer at the club for him to do what he does, taking his own personal time, making sure things are setup exactly as he envisioned. As always, I was thankful to have some time to just chill alone, snuggling with my pup before it was time to get ready.
It was time to get ourselves together for the big night. I was a bit nervous and a bit sad going into the night because it was a super cold night which makes people want to hibernate and alot of our friends were unable to attend. So, I wasn't sure what to expect for the night. Well, let me tell you .... nothing could have predicted White Out. It was absolutely insane!
I would like to mention first and always ... the vibe was insane!! Alot of the friends that were unable to attend, ended up figuring out a way to be there. So there were so many surprises on top of it all.
Let me tell you... these sexy humans came out to party and get frisky that is for certain. I think this was the first time that things heated up on the dance floor before 11pm. I mean, full on oral train and it was like 1030 or something like that. When a night starts that early, you know it is going to be a wild time and that it was. Everyone was banging every where. Such an eclectic group of humans meshing and flowing with such ease and immense amount of sexual energy. It was pretty incredible to watch. The dance floor had to be mopped up a few times from all the squirt that was happening. Absolutely crazy. It was the best way to start the year.
For me personally, I had the best freaking time. I laughed so freaking hard that night. I spoke to so many people. Danced with so many people. I was a little butterfly floating all over the place living my best life. I had just about one drink which was a shot of vodka with water and smoke a few times...it was perfect. I truly had the very best time. I'm super proud of Mizzy's Boutique as well. I brought in some new merchandise and it was really well received so that made me really happy. Little by little I am bringing in more sassy adult and less upside down pineapple merchandise. I want to provide items that you feel comfortable using every day, in most settings.
We were really happy with White Out and will be looking forward to Shamrocks & Shenanigans March 8th. It's right around the corner!
Sunday funday if you consider breaking down and traveling fun. LOL. I mean, I guess I kind of do. So - to Sunday fundayyyyyyyyy!
We met at the club at our regular time of around 10:30am. We really kicked it into over drive and were done in what felt like matters of minutes. It was the fastest breakdown in history! Because it went so quick, Spencer was able to move our ferry up by an hour. That was some exciting news! I love when we make it home after an event weekend. The Sunday night together makes my heart happy, so to know we'd have a bit more time together was even better. Nothing in particular happened during breakdown, so it was pretty much pack and go. We said our goodbyes and went our separate ways until next time.
Having the time to self reflect, I am really happy I am taking the time to plan my outfits so far in advance. Since my outfit was one of my biggest thorns for events, it was important for me to work out a healthy solution. I am really happy I have figured out a system that will keep me engaged and excited about each outfit.
I've learned that meal prepping for the event weekends is critical. I don't love ordering out so much, especially in another state. Everything is different here in NY, so I'm always semi disappointed in what I am eating. Plus, Its easier to eat whenever I want. I don't have to worry about waiting for the group or wait for a delivery. I can feed my belly when it says to. Sounds selfish, but I don't care. the Mizzy Monster is not pleasant. Plus, I really hate eating fried food, or things cooked in all sorts of sauces and grossness. I just want my plane jane meals.
I've learned that no matter what, there will always be some sort of donut, crumb cake, cookie or pound cake or an assortment of all of it at setup. I would always try and tell myself ahead of time that I'm not eating it if it is there ... we all know that is a big fat lie, so I am just going to get on board with the sweet treats for breakfast with no regret.
I've learned that I love all the food on the ferry! The wraps, the grilled cheese, the cookies, the pretzels, crumb cake, French fries and quesadilla. That doesn't mean I need to eat it all at once. Hahah. No, I usually have something on the way to CT and something on the way back. If its the ferry that has the fryer, I always get French fries (French fries does not count towards my comment above on fried food) and maybe a BLT. If there is no fryer, its always the grilled cheese. Now, as much as I love all of this, I think choosing one day to eat on the ferry works best for my belly, so going forward, I'm going to choose Sunday as my day.
And that is where my thoughts end. I hope you enjoyed the ridiculousness of it all, and come back for more!
Until next time, I will talk to you super soon.

For more behind the scenes and closer interactions, subscribe to my Instagram channel or just follow along!
Background: Who doesn’t love to talk about sex and everything in between? Mizzy Bender is here to talk through all the down, dirty and not so fun moments that life has to offer. Mizzy is one female that isn’t afraid to embrace all aspects of life from sexuality to success.
Mizzy Bender is a 41 year old female entrepreneur and influencer leading the way within the Swingers / Adult Lifestyle community. If you believe in Ethical Non-Monogamy, this is the community for you. Mizzy’s journey started out with Mindbender Parties and still remains traveling the East Coast putting on full thematic swinger events with her partner in crime, Mr. Mindbender.
Mizzy’s passion and drive is all about creating an environment that is all inclusive and judgment free, where we can be who we are without question. Where one can have a platform to talk about the things we are curious about without question, finding like minded humans to love and support one another.
Through this journey, Mizzy's Boutique was formed. An adult novelty shop starting out online and has since migrated into a traveling pop up boutique at swingers / alternative lifestyle events across the US.